Why eComStation?
- There is hardly any computer virus that can cause damage to eComStation. Viruses
that end up on an eComStation system are, in almost all cases, completely harmless.
As a result you don't need to purchase an expensive anti virus program.
(An anti virus program is included though.)
- With eComStation you are protected against hackers on the Internet, because most
TCP/IP ports are closed by default in eComStation against external attacks. And the
integrated firewall can be activated for extra security.
- By using the standard integrated script language
REXX you can extend the possibilities
of eComStation yourself. In this way you can, for instance, extend the context menu for
each folder on the Desktop with new functionality.
- eComStation can be configured and used the way it suites its user best. Data and
program objects, folders and for instance icons, you can change their properties via the
graphical desktop to your taste and requirements. The same applies to the way you
want to start programs or want to configure the system. The user stays in control
of the system and not the other way around.
- eComStation performs very well on older, less powerful PCs, and stays pleasantly fast,
thanks to optimized memory management and pre-emptive multitasking.
- Applications that make use of the multi-threading capabilities of eComStation are far
more responsive than applications that can't deal with these special capabilities, like in
Windows or Linux.
More information
- OS/2 (and of course its distribution 'eComStation'), is already a successful and proven
operating system for business applications since its availability, not in the least because
of its high level of crash protection, stability and flexibility.
- With eComStation and its
Workplace Shell you have, without doubt, the
most versatile and user friendly graphical desktop at your fingertips.
- In eComStation you accomplish almost everything with 'drag and drop': moving and
copying files, programs and even text!, setting the colours and fonts on your desktop,
setting the line types and backgrounds of spreadsheets, opening your documents, or
creating new documents, etc.
- The graphical desktop and all applications recognize the same key combinations
everywhere, making the system very easy usable even without mouse!
- Within eComStation templates are part of the operating system and thereby not
connected to just one specific program. You can use these to quickly create a new file.
You can also create new templates of any type you want, without being dependent on a
specific application.
- An eComStation user stays in control of his system. You decide where programs,
drivers and data files will be installed.
 [more screenshots]
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