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eComStation News Email this page to a friend Email this page 2.0 Release Candidate 1 available

February 03, 2007 by admin

LEWISVILLE, Texas, Feb. 2, 2007

Serenity Systems International is pleased to announce the availability
of Release Candidate 1 of 2.0 for eComStation and OS/2.

This build is based on the 2.0.4 sourcecode of

Release Candidate 1 is available for immediate download in English,
German, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian and Dutch to all customers of
an active Support Agreement for for eComStation and IBM
OS/2, via their download-area at the Mensys Online Shop.

** Notes **

- Please make sure to read the included READ1ST.TXT document, which
includes hints on installation and a list of known issues.

- Installation takes around 300 MB of drivespace, plus an additional 40
MB per installed language.

- Innotek FontEngine is now fully supported, which provides improved

- It is advised to use TrueType fonts (TTF) over Type1 fonts (eCS
default) as they render better with the Fontengine.

- no eComStation or OS/2 specific enhancements are available in this
beta yet.

- UniClip is required to complete installation. You can get it from

- Support for clipboard bitmap formats and unicode text.

- Support for mouse wheel.

- Numerous fixes have been implemented. For more details, please read

** Planned enhancements **

1) bidi & dbcs font support (depends on demand)
2) WPS support
3) native GUI controls
4) support SANE for scanners.

Support for the following items is not planned:

1) Java support
2) Mozilla support

** More information **

More information on can be found at:

** User Support **

Support specific to the eComStation and OS/2 version can be obtained
through the ticketing system at:

A newsgroup is available for community support at:


** Enjoy! **

Best regards,

Serenity Systems International

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