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This site is running on eComStation 3.2.0 GA for eComStation released
eComStation News Email this page to a friend Email this page 3.2.0 GA for eComStation released

October 28, 2010 by admin

Product Announcement
October 27, 2010
Subject: 3.2.0 GA for eComStation and IBM OS/2 released
Effective date: October 27, 2010

Effective immediately, Mensys B.V. will be distributing a GA version of 3.2.0 to all users who own an active Support Agreement for or an active Software Subscription Services for eComStation

This version has been compiled to run on eComStation and IBM OS/2 as a
native application. This release replaces version 3.1.1.


== NLS: 3.2 for eComStation and OS/2 is released in the following
language versions:

* English
* German
* Italian
* French
* Spanish
* Dutch
* Russian

== Internet integration:

* e-mail related settings are now supported, you can email your current
document, but only Thunderbird is supported.
* the default OS/2 browser will be used for opening web pages from URL
links in documents.

== Desktop integration:

* support for WPS integration via seperate package.
* support for the FreeType2 (FT2) font engine for improved text rendering.
* support for XWP/eWPS sliding menu hilite (requires XWorkPlace 1.0.8 or
eCS 2.0 RC4 or newer)
* support for clipboard bitmap formats and unicode text.
* support for mouse wheel.

== WPS integration package for 3.2 for eComStation and OS/2:

* Extends the WPS data file class to recognize document files
* Integrated support for WPS-Wizard hint and folder info area
* REXX hooks for reading document properties

== Quickstart:

* the quickstart feature has been implemented for eComStation and OS/2.

============ 3.2 is available to anyone with an active
Support Agreement for eComStation and OS/2, or an active Software Subscription
Services for eComStation, via their download-area at the Mensys Online Shop:

What is new

Below is a list of some of the improvements that are present in 3.2:

* 3.2 provides improved support for other common office
document types:
- Password protected Microsoft Office XML files (supported document
types: MS Word 2007 documents (*.docx, *.docm); MS Word 2007 templates
(*.dotx, *.dotm); MS Excel 2007 documents (*.xlsx, *.xlsm); MS Excel
2007 binary documents (*.xlsb); MS Excel 2007 templates (*.xltx, *.xltm);
MS Powerpoint 2007 documents (*.pptx, *.pptm); MS Powerpoint 2007
templates (*.potx, *.potm)). OLE objects, form controls and pivot tables
can now be read from MS Excel 2007 documents (*.xlsx, *.xlsb).
- Encryption support within the Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP filter allows
password protected
- Microsoft Word documents to be saved (using the Microsoft Office
standard RC4 algorithm).
- 3.2 has made further strides in compliance with ODF 1.2,
including closer conformance to OASIS ODFF/OpenFormula specifications.

* Faster start up times: 3.2 Calc and Writer have both reduced
'cold start' time by 46% since version 3.0 (results will vary on different
operating systems and hardware).

* Start Center - When launching 3.x, users are presented with
the Start Center that allows the selection of an application within the
office productivity suite without having to click the File -> New menu.

* Enhanced PDF export - The PDF export feature in provides a
huge set of formatting and security options; so that PDF files can be
customized for many different scenarios.

* View Multiple Pages in Writer - 3.x allows Writer users to
view pages with single-page, two-page side-by-side and book layout options.

* Improved Notes - The new version of Notes in 3.x provides
additional formatting, spell checking and accessibility features while
displaying notes within the margins.

A full list of enhancements can be found at:

More information on the development roadmap can be found at:

Information on the eComStation and OS/2 version can be found at:

User Support

For help with the 3.2 office suite, take a look at the
archives to find questions already answered on the ''
mailing list at
Alternatively, you can send in your questions to
Remember to subscribe to the list to get an email response.

Full documentation is available at
Support specific to the eComStation and OS/2 version can be obtained
through the ticketing system at:

More information

More information on can be found at:
Information on the eComStation and OS/2 version can be found at:


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