RexxMail build 20061026.162038 released. by on October 26, 2006 GNU Ocrad 0.16 for OS/2 available by on October 26, 2006 Enhanced SeaMonkey 1.1b by Peter Weilbacher on October 29, 2006 Larsen Commander updated to 1.6 Beta #12 by on October 31, 2006 Warpstock Europe, about 3 weeks to go, a packed program! by Roderick Klein on October 31, 2006 Electronic Teller 4.40 Has Been Released by on October 25, 2006 FireFox 2.0 for eComStation and OS/2 released by on October 26, 2006 QueenCy 0.1.9d by http://www.os2world.com on October 11, 2006 SketchIt 1.0 Alpha by on October 11, 2006 RexxMail build 20061012.085518 released. by on October 12, 2006 Drivers for USB-devices by on October 12, 2006 Open Watcom 1.6 RC1 by on October 13, 2006 Sunbird 0.3 and Lightning 0.3 available by Peter Weilbacher, Posted on: on October 14, 2006 WDSibyl 20061015.ZIP (Beta-Version) by on October 15, 2006 AMPOS2 (Apache-MySQL-PHP for OS/2 ) 20061015 by on October 16, 2006 Voyager on osnews.com by on October 16, 2006 Lucide beta 4 available to eComStation customers by on October 16, 2006 New ACPI 2.13 (20061016) files on eComStation Betazone. by on October 17, 2006 Mysql updated to v5.0.26 for OS/2 and eComStation by o on October 19, 2006 OpenLDAP updated to v2.3.27 by o on October 20, 2006 OpenLDAP 2.3.28 available by o on October 22, 2006 Maul Publisher for OS/2 V3.08 by on October 22, 2006 LyX and ZGV port bounties closed - More Open Bounties by on October 22, 2006 Norman Virus Control Survey by on October 23, 2006 netlabs.org newsletter #20 (QT, WarpVision, Voyager, WDSybil, by on October 23, 2006 EmperoarTV 1.08s released by on October 04, 2006 OS2World Bounty Claim: Lyx 6 and ZGV picture viewer by on October 05, 2006 PDFMergeNX Version 1.9.alpha.9 by on October 06, 2006 DrawIt 3.5 for OS/2 Warp - Source Code Available by on October 09, 2006 netlabs.org newsletter #19 (QT3, Voyager, Uniaud, WVGUI, Psi/2) by on October 09, 2006 Firefox 2 RC2 milestone by on October 10, 2006 RexxMail build 20061010.085228 released. by on October 10, 2006
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The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (April 22, 2019)  netlabs.org newsletter #346 (April 22, 2019)  Bitwiseworks news: Qt 5 GUI first demo (April 22, 2019)  The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (April 15, 2019)  Warpstock Europe 2019! (April 01, 2019)  The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (March 25, 2019)  netlabs.org newsletter #344 (March 25, 2019)  The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (March 18, 2019) 
DFSee MAJOR version 16.0 released (April 17, 2019)  Yet another file find utility (April 16, 2019)  Qt 5 GUI/Widget (April 10, 2019)  FtpServer version 2.75 released (April 03, 2019)  |
Driver Updates |
[Arca Noae] AHCI Driver Package version 2.06 released (March 28, 2019)  [Arca Noae] ACPI Driver Package version 3.23.11 released (March 09, 2019)  [Arca Noae] New MultiMac NIC driver package (20181126) released (December 03, 2018) 