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Warpstock Europe is not for OS/2 users only

October 31, 2001 by Luc Van Bogaert

Warpstock Europe is not for OS/2 users only FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Warpstock Europe 2001 is for everyone with a healthy interest in computers. Being an OS/2 or eComStation user is absolutely no requirement for attending the event. Even if you are running Linux, Windows, MacOS or something else, you will still be able to learn about new and exciting things at Warpstock Europe. No matter what computing environment you are working in, the three-day presentation schedule contains several sessions that will surely be of interest to you.

IT professionals and System Administrators will benefit greatly from several lectures on LAN management in a heterogeneous environment. Alain Rykaert's presentation on LAN Server Management Tools, discusses a number of self written REXX procedures for LAN management, based on many years of experience in the field. Likewise, as IBM's WorkSpace On-Demand now supports more platforms than ever, Oliver Mark's overview of this product should certainly be of interest to you. Starfire Titan also offers cross-platform administration for enterprise networked systems. Come to Warpstock Europe to discover all these products.

Programmers are in for a real treat at Warpstock Europe 2001. Serenity Systems' own Kim Cheung will be there to talk about C to REXX interface technology and how it can be applied in all kinds of commercial packages. Rony Flatscher will be talking about Object REXX and how it can become a powerful development tool not only for OS/2, but in a multiplatform environment as well, as it has been made available for AIX, Linux and Windows. Another one of Rony's presentations, which should interest Java programmers, discusses Java Bean scripting using REXX. Finally, Stefan Schwarzer will introduce Python as another cross-platform high level scripting language that is gaining popularity.

As the USB hardware interface is extremely popular nowadays, you should come to Warpstock Europe for a general introduction about the way USB works. In addition, programmers who want to exploit the benefits of USB will actually learn how to develop their own USB drivers.

Users of the excellent image manipulation program "The Gimp", running on Linux, Windows or OS/2 will definitely learn a few new tricks during Gerrit Schoenmaker's and Onno Tabak's session about font installation and graphic tips and tricks.

If you have been thinking about trying OS/2 or eComStation, without giving up the ability to run your Windows applications, you should definitely attend the "Odin - update, tips and tricks" session, where you will be astounded by the number of Windows programs that can be run seamlessly on the OS/2 Desktop today. Moreover, the introduction of "Virtual PC for OS/2" by Innotek should be enough reason to attend Warpstock Europe and discover this exciting new product that will extend your use of OS/2 and eComStation by letting you run even more applications than you ever thought possible.

The Warpstock Europe 2001 Conference will be held on November 2-4, 2001 at the 'KH Limburg' College in Diepenbeek (Hasselt), Belgium. Warpstock Europe is an annual gathering of developers, vendors and users of the OS/2 and eComStation operating systems, for the purpose of education, providing information and support to everyone with an interest in these operating systems or related technology. More information is available at the Warpstock Europe web site

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