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Vbox/2 v1.56_OSE for eComStation and OS/2, Build 9

April 09, 2008 by Mark Dodel

++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++

From: Mark Dodel

Paul Smedley has another unofficial build of the Open Source Edition of
VirtualBox for OS/2 host. Note there is no official OS/2 host, but some
Innotek employees and others have worked on a version for OS/2 based on the
Open Source Edition of VirtualBox.

Get Vbox/2 here:


What's new:
Build 9 31. mar 2008
- Host interface networking added to GUI/Qt interface.
We now have full networking support in GUI !
Added support for piix4 in VboxBFE ( to be compatible with Qt )
( All of this thanx to Hermi ! )
- Vbox updated to current 1.56 version.

Official website:
"innotek VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for
enterprise as well as home use."

Official unofficial builds of the OS/2 host can be found at

User Manual:

There is now a support forum for the OS/2 host on the Innotek VirtualBox

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