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Release of Uniaud 1.1.4RC6

April 08, 2008 by Brendan Oakley

++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++

From: Brendan Oakley

The Universal Audio Driver for eComStation and OS/2.

The Uniaud Team announces the release of Uniaud 1.1.4RC6.


Changes since 1.1.4RC5:

* Added ACPI support to Uniaud32.

* Fixed default sample rate selection in Uniaud16
(caused silence on NVidia AC'97 and other quirks)

All users of Uniaud are encouraged to upgrade to this latest Uniaud16.
This is the most stable Uniaud16 to date, and is expected to work well
with all supported hardware.

This Uniaud32 is intended to test the effects of having added ACPI
support. Some users may need to continue to use Uniaud32 RC5 if this gives
problems. We would like users to provide us feedback on this ACPI support
and discuss the results on the uniaud-user list.

HDA users will want to continue to test the 1.9.x series of Uniaud32
builds from Paul Smedley and not bother with this Uniaud32. For such users
this package is useful for installing Uniaud if it is not yet installed,
and for acquiring the latest Uniaud16.

A news group for users is at A mail list for
users can be subscribed to with an email to

Problem reports can be made (login required) and existing ones viewed at

The Uniaud Team

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