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DJPrint 1.05

December 07, 2008 by Don Hawkinson

++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++

Don Hawkinson has updated DJPrint to version 1.05 and it may be downloaded from his web page at:

DJPrint version 1.05

DJPrint was intended as a method to list source code on my HP DeskJet 632C. Other OS/2 and eCS users have found it useful for various printing tasks.

DJPrint should work with any printer that supports the HP PCL 3 commands. The printers that are known to work with DJPrint are listed below.

HP Deskjet 932C
Xerox Phaser 8550
HP LaserJet II
HP DeskJet 340
Brother HD 5150D
IBM 4019 laser printer
HP Laserjet 4050N
HP DeskJet 632C
HP Deskjet 980 Cxi
HP Deskjet 990 Cxi
HP 450
Lexmark T620

The file "printers" is a list of printers that may work with DJPrint, but have not been tested.

Please let me know if this program works with your printer and the model number of your printer.

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