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Clarifying the eComStation World-Wide Release on May 19 announcement from Bob St.John

October 05, 2001 by Bob St.John

Clarifying the eComStation World-Wide Release on May 19 announcement from Bob St.John

Please understand that the text used to promote the SCOUG meeting was prepared well in advance. Now, what does it mean? Well, it was intended to mean that we believe the SCOUG meeting will see the GA level code, the release candidate.

As Duane already pointed out, there is still a manufacturing process and distribution to endure. So there isn't much point in sitting out on the porch waiting for the postman, yet.

We are not rushing. We are being very deliberate. But, as Lou Gerstner used to say, we are acting with a sense of urgency. So, there is the balancing act of trying to be responsive, not wearing out anyone's patience, and not screwing when we are *this* close to having what we want to release.

I think it's fair to count the SCOUG meeting as part of the GA launch, because that's a pretty vague statement. It does not mean that the product is in distribution, however. But RSN.

Bob St.John

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