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Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation Beta 2 available

March 12, 2012 by

Mensys BV is pleased to announce the availability of the Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation Beta 2

This product is available for download to all registered users of

Software Subscription Services for eComStation. For more information, please visit:

 With the new release of this Flash wrapper, up-to-date Flash support for eComStation is provided. Currently it includes Flash Player

 The second beta the Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation is intended to enable you to use websites implementing the latest Flash content.


With the new release of this Flash wrapper, up-to-date Flash support for eComStation is provided. Currently it includes Adobe Flash Player version


Changes compared to beta 1 are:


- Bump wrapper version to 0.3.2

- fixed a problem with Flash Plugin Wrapper not loaded when LIBPATHSTRICT was used (Tickets #46, #48)

- improved detection of Mozilla Plugin directory (Ticket #49)

- changed Warpin to create the Flash Plugin Wrapper folder on the desktop (Ticket #50)


If Beta 1 works well for you there is no need to upgrade, there have been no improvements in the support of Flash content itself.





- This code should not be used on production systems. See the readme.txt document for details.


- This release requires eComStation 1.2, 1.2R, 2.0GA or eComStation 2.1GA.


- This release requires an installed version of Odin 0.8.3 or higher, which can be obtained from the same download location as the Flash Plugin Wrapper package.


- Feedback can be provided via


Please follow the guidelines in order to properly report a bug.



After downloading please review the readme documentation for known issues and instructions on how to uninstall.



Best regards,


Mensys BV

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