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Odin 0.8.7

December 20, 2012 by

There is a new version of ODIN on the Netlabs FTP server.
ODIN is the Open Source project to provide a win32 API for OS/2 and eComStation. Originally to allow OS/2 users to run Windows 32 bit applications. Now used to port windows applications to OS/2 an eComStation. The Odin runtime is a requirement for the newest developed versions of JAVA and Flash 10 for OS/2 and eCS.

For more information and downloads, see:


Requires the following:
- kLIBC runtime v0.6.5 (
- GCC runtime v4.4.6 (

0.8.7 (2012-12-19)
- kernel32: Add RegisterDummyExeEx that allows to specify a resource tree
simulating the resource section of a real Win32 EXE.
- kernel32: Make LoadLibraryEx correctly return the Win32 EXE module handle
when given full EXE file name.
- kernel32: Serialize stack trace logging on crashes to make sure it's not
- kernel32: Increase the maximum number of GDI handles from 1024 to 4096.
This fixes some heavily interactive flash content.


Please report problems on the wiki at
If you need a logon to the netlabs wiki, then first go to

Odin mailing list archive:

To support future Netlabs development consider making a donation

Notizie su eComStation  [ spedisci ]  [ cerca ]  Notizie sul software
The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
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Bitwiseworks news: Qt 5 GUI first demo
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The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
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The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
 (March 25, 2019) newsletter #344
 (March 25, 2019)

The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
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DFSee MAJOR version 16.0 released
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Yet another file find utility
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Qt 5 GUI/Widget
 (April 10, 2019)

FtpServer version 2.75 released
 (April 03, 2019)

 Aggiornamenti sui driver
[Arca Noae] AHCI Driver Package version 2.06 released
 (March 28, 2019)

[Arca Noae] ACPI Driver Package version 3.23.11 released
 (March 09, 2019)

[Arca Noae] New MultiMac NIC driver package (20181126) released
 (December 03, 2018)

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