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KidStreet Feedback

October 05, 2001 by Wayne Swanson

KidStreet Feedback

Dateline: 1 April 2001 <--- This is no joke! :-)
KidStreet Feedback

If any of you have stopped by the PillarSoft Suite homepage in the last couple of days you may have noticed a new face in the crowd. We are making an educational program available for what we will call a feedback release. It has been knocking around here for a while and we need to know if work should continue. We have more planned for KidStreet besides the spelling and math at this point but with so many irons in the fire, we have to prioritize.

There is a little more information on it at the PillarSoft website. The link is on the PillarSoft Suite pages at:

If you are as blessed with the pitter patter of little feet as I am you may find it to be helpful.

To warn you ahead of time, the program will timeout eventually but it will continue to run for registered users of the PillarSoft Suite. Try it out, see if the kids will use it and send us your suggestions. Your feedback is the only gauge we have of public interest.

One other thing to mention is that the Enhanced E Editor has been refreshed already since it's release of two days ago. We had two sniggling problems with
the new parts of it and we have fit the new settings dialog into it also. Please take a moment to update it at:

Work continues on the editor...

Have a great day!
Wayne Swanson
Developers of: WarpZip and the PillarSoft Suite
Vice President: VOICE (Virtual OS/2 Int'l Consumer Education)

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