eComStation Italian available by on August 25, 2006 PHP updated to v5.1.5 by o on August 26, 2006 netlabs.org newsletter #16 [GenMac, Odin, WarpVision, GBM plugin, by on August 28, 2006 Lucide beta 3 available to eComStation customers by on August 29, 2006 Warpstock Europe 2006 update and looking for speakers. by Roderick Klein on August 29, 2006 MySQL Updated to v5.0.24 by o on August 10, 2006 Thunderbird 2 Alpha 1 milestone has been released. by on August 15, 2006 SeaMonkey 1.0.4 released August 3rd. by on August 16, 2006 Odin daily updated - 20060817 by on August 18, 2006 DFSee version 8.06 released by on August 20, 2006 eCo Software newsletter, week 34 by on August 24, 2006 Updated IDE drivers from Daniela Engert by on August 22, 2006 Updated GBM plugins for Mozilla/Lucide, updated GBM packages by Heiko Nitzsche on August 20, 2006 eCS MT available by on August 15, 2006 DFSee version 8.05 released today by on August 13, 2006 WDSibyl 20060811 by on August 13, 2006 UnixOS/2 new location - unixos2.com by on August 02, 2006 Thunderbird has been released. by on August 03, 2006 SeaMonkey 1.0.3 has been released. by on August 03, 2006 Firefox has been released. by on August 03, 2006 Updates at http://smedley.info/os2ports (OpenTTD, LyX, Apache2v2.2.3, by o on August 03, 2006 PhotoRec for OS/2 / eComStation by on August 04, 2006 cflow 1.1 compiled for OS/2 by on August 04, 2006 SNAP Graphics for OS/2 3.1.7 by Steve Wendt on August 04, 2006 USB configuration tool by on August 04, 2006 newLISP for OS/2 ported by on August 05, 2006 Apache 2.2.3 beta2 for OS/2 & eComStation released by o on August 05, 2006 Java 1.3.1 Service Release 10 available by on August 08, 2006 Scitech SNAP eCS 3.1.7 is available to Software Subscription customers (http://www.ecomstation.com/subscription/) by on August 07, 2006 Which network adapters are supported in eComStation? by on August 02, 2006 Updated ALVM for eComStation by on August 02, 2006 Updated GBM plugins for Mozilla/Lucide, updated GBM package by Heiko Nitzsche on August 02, 2006
eComStation News [ submit ] [ search ] |
Software News |
The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (April 22, 2019)  netlabs.org newsletter #346 (April 22, 2019)  Bitwiseworks news: Qt 5 GUI first demo (April 22, 2019)  The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (April 15, 2019)  Warpstock Europe 2019! (April 01, 2019)  The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (March 25, 2019)  netlabs.org newsletter #344 (March 25, 2019)  The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice (March 18, 2019) 
DFSee MAJOR version 16.0 released (April 17, 2019)  Yet another file find utility (April 16, 2019)  Qt 5 GUI/Widget (April 10, 2019)  FtpServer version 2.75 released (April 03, 2019)  |
Driver Updates |
[Arca Noae] AHCI Driver Package version 2.06 released (March 28, 2019)  [Arca Noae] ACPI Driver Package version 3.23.11 released (March 09, 2019)  [Arca Noae] New MultiMac NIC driver package (20181126) released (December 03, 2018) 