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eComStation 1.2R Italian released
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Product Announcement: eComStation 1.2R Italian

Serenity Systems International proudly announces Italian National Language Support (NLS) with the availability of eComStation 1.2R Italian.

Principal features of eComStation 1.2R include a new installation program jointly developed with IBM, enhancements to the desktop environment, additional Internet connection features, and improved device support.

The new installation program has powerful features which both existing and new users will appreciate. These features make installation of eComStation easier and more reliable. Updates to the User Interface, already the most advanced in the industry, make device management easier, as well as providing more facilities for managing the data and programs on the system. For OS/2 users, eComStation 1.2R provides updated software, new features, and continued access to fixes, drivers, and updates, lowering the overall cost of acquisition to the user while providing support which cannot be obtained from any other source.

Note: eComStation 1.2R will support your existing OS/2 applications.

Version Level of eComStation 1.2R Italian

This version is at the same level of the current English and German versions of eComStation 1.2R. A detailed list of changes can be found below.

Available for immediate delivery are both CD and ESD (download, for fast access) versions, with support for one or more than one processor, or Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) feature (see eComStation Multi Processor Pack).

eComStation 1.2R Academic Edition

The eComStation 1.2R Academic Edition is available to those who are either students or teaching in an academic institution. It consists of eComStation 1.2R + Support Agreement for and has reduced pricing.

eComStation Multi Processor Pack

For users with hardware which can support the power of multi-processor workstations, the eComStation Multi Processor Pack is made available. This is the most economical implementation to license the SMP feature which supports OS/2, with support for peer oriented services, available with eComStation.

Software Subscription Services

eComStation 1.2R users have the option of purchasing a 12 month software subscription for their product. This entitles them to any new features and enhancements made available over the course of the subscription. For eComStation this would include any new updates and releases, when published within this 12 month period. Notably, this will include the eComStation 2.0 release.

eComStation 1.2/1.2R customers may purchase Software Subscription Services at any time. However a discount is available when the subscription is purchased as part of the same transaction as the purchase of the base product.

eComStation 1.2R in more detail

The development team of eComStation has significantly raised the level of ease of use of the installation process and improved hardware support.

The major updates compared to previous releases include:

Installation related:

  • USB support during installation: can use USB memory sticks for storing registration key for example.

  • Media Integrity check: it is possible to perform an integrity check of the installation media before actual installation starts. This will prevent problems caused by faulty CD's.

  • AMD Athlon64 support: it is possible to install eComStation 1.2R on AMD Athlon64 based computers.

  • Maintenance Desktop is installed.

  • Updated MiniLVM: Improves the usability of the IBM Logical Volume Manager (LVM) by providing an easier user interface to the integrated volume management function.

  • Improved support for laptops: The system kernel has been updated to the latest release, supporting Speedstep ® and Enhanced Speedstep (r) powersaving options (Intel Centrino ® technology) for improved batterylife.

  • Improved device support: A significant number of new and updated drivers is included, offering out-of-the box support for wireless networkcards, gigabit networkcards and SATA IDE-harddisk drives.

  • Updated MultiMedia Installer: One of the big changes in 1.2, better multimedia support and improved installation. Now install directly at the moment you install your other hardware.

  • System Migration Feature: When installing eComStation 1.2 over an OS/2 Warp 4, MCP1, MCP2, eComStation 1.0 or eComStation 1.1 installed system, this system will be automatically migrated to the extent possible, easing the process of upgrading. Despite the significant effort expended to create a problem free migration with this feature, users are cautioned to back up programs and data prior to upgrading. It is simply impossible to fully test this feature in all possible user environments.


  • Web Browser: providing the current version of proven Mozilla technology, including the IBM Web Browser, provides the users with a pleasing Internet experience. This support includes an e-mail and news reader with spam filter. Mozilla 1.7.12 and IBM Web Browser 2.03.

  • InnoTek Web Pack for OS/2: the best support available for users of the IBM Web Browser and Mozilla/Firefox

  • The InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java provides support for Java technologies from Sun Microsystems.

  • The InnoTek Font Engine, enabling state-of-the-art technologies like anti-aliasing, subpixel rendering and hinting within the browser environment.

  • The InnoTek Macromedia Flash Player for OS/2

  • The InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Adobe Acrobat reader 4.05, enables the widely spread cross-platform PDF document format on OS/2. A browser plugin is included.

  • Updates to the eWorkPlace User Interface: This feature, derived from the award winning XWorkPlace, was first introduced in eComStation 1.1 and has been refined and updated in 1.2.

  • New AE Editor: Users will appreciate the look and feel of this modern system editor which includes improved functionality over the prior editor, such as the ability to directly print from the editor.

  • NTFS.IFS Support: The ability to read from Windows 2000 and XP drives using NTFS.

  • HOBLink X/11 Server for OS/2 is now part of eComStation 1.2, enabling remote access to X/11 applications on any xServer accessible on the network. The Applications appear as normal desktop applications.

  • Included CD writing application: A (speed) limited version of the award winning CD recording application RSJ is included, enabling the user to create CD's without any extra software requirements. Supports any current CD-recorder device.

  • Better cooperation with Microsoft Windows 2000: updates have been made to ensure that installation of Windows 2000 will not disable the eComStation installation.

  • Remote Desktop control: PMVNC is included to provide remote control facilities. (IBM Desktop On Call is still included as well)

Other applications / features:

  • Warpin Program installer, preconfigured with eWorkPlace which allows easy upgrade to XWorkplace if a user chooses to do so.

  • Patched LVM preventing problems with INT13 and Windows 2000 overwriting the bootmanager

  • Fixes and enhancements in the installer “front end”, including the ability to format the text display

  • REXX tips & tricks document

  • eCSCoNet (ISDNPM) and Internet Assistant

  • updated printer drivers to the latest available level

  • JUne file rescuer for JFS available in the maintenance console (during install)

About Serenity Systems International

Serenity Systems International (SSI) was founded in 1998 with a focus on Computer Telephony Integration applications and server managed workstations. SSI is an ISV and software OEM with principal offices in Flower Mound, TX.

Through its relationship with IBM, SSI publishes eComStation, a complete commercial PC desktop which includes IBM's OS/2 technology. For more information please visit


Bob St. John



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