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eComStation allows IBM OS/2 and DOS users to run their existing programs on today's hardware

eComStation is a highly efficient operating system that truly flies on today’s powerful computers, and works great on legacy hardware. The minimal resource requirements extend the life of your IT environment, offering a greater return on your investment in computer hardware.

eComStation interoperates with Windows, Linux and NetWare. It also offers excellent compatibility with DOS, Java and OS/2 applications. You can safely share your ADSL, cable or ISDN Internet connection with up to 253 PCs by using the built-in firewall. And, all of this comes packaged with an easy to use GUI.

eComStation installs directly from CD on modern hardware like AMD Athlon64 based computers, large SATA harddrives and supports a host of network-, sound- and videocards out of the box

eComStation is fully OS/2 compatible and will run your existing OS/2 applications!

» Learn more

More information on:

  • eComStation 2.1
    eComStation 2.1 brings enhanced speed, hardware support and further refinements to the existing eComStation product.
  • eComStation 1.2R
    Principal features of eComStation 1.2R include a new installation program jointly developed with IBM, enhancements to the desktop environment, additional Internet connection features, and improved device support.
  • Software Subscription Services
    eComStation have the option of purchasing a 12 month software subscription for their product. This entitles them to any new features and enhancements made available over the course of the subscription. For eComStation this includes any new updates and releases, when published within this 12 month period.
  • for eComStation
    To better support the desktop requirements of eComStation and IBM OS/2 users, for eComStation is now part of the eComStation product.

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Take the eComStation Product Tour

eComStation 1.1 is an OS2 World.Com Award Winner 2002!

eComStation 1.2 is an OS2 World.Com Award Winner 2004!
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